I am a PhD candidate in Strategic Management at Rotman School of Management, University of Toronto.
My research focuses on strategic human capital, particularly how hiring practices influence and are influenced by social concerns, including the future of work, technological change, inequality, and social responsibility. To study these questions, I use field experiments, natural language techniques, and large datasets.
My primary stream of research examines the role of college credentials, or the lack thereof, in organizational hiring decisions and outcomes. Specifically, I investigate the effects and trade-offs of hiring practices aimed at opening opportunities to candidates who have gathered skills via routes other than a college education. I explore the implications of these practices for socioeconomic mobility, diversity and inclusion, adaptation to technological change, and employer-employee matching.
I also hold a Master in Public Administration in International Development from Harvard Kennedy School and a BA in Economics from ITAM. My interest in examining organizations’ personnel decisions and strategies was deepened by my professional experiences at the Central Bank of Mexico, the World Bank, and the United Nations.